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ESK coalescence separators

Effective removal of petroleum products

ESK coalescence separators

Ecol-Unicon’s separators are designed with the highest quality and performance in mind

With their purpose-designed construction, they provide effective separation and containment of contaminants. This protects the environment from pollution and avoids potential problems associated with sewer contamination.

Benefits of use

Compliance with EN 858 standards and proven reliability

Our separators meet the stringent requirements of the EN 858 standard, validated by tests conducted in accredited laboratories, ensuring the highest quality and operational safety standards.

Sustainability certified by EPD

All our devices are marked with the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), highlighting their environmentally friendly design and contribution to reducing the carbon footprint.

Comprehensive range for diverse applications

We offer a full range of separators, including full retention (NS), by-pass (NSB), and lamellar models, tailored to meet a variety of design and environmental requirements.

Easy maintenance without entry into chambers

Our separators allow for the cleaning or replacement of coalescing inserts, columns, floats, or lamellar modules without the need to enter the device or use specialized tools – all operations can be performed safely from ground level.

Corrosion and chemical resistance

Technological components made of polyethylene (PE) provide 100% corrosion resistance and superior chemical durability compared to stainless steel, ensuring a longer service life.

Lightweight design for faster installation and maintenance

PE components are significantly lighter than their steel counterparts, greatly simplifying and speeding up the installation and maintenance processes.

Modular design for flexibility and convenience

The modular design allows for quick replacement of individual components or entire columns in just a few minutes, streamlining cleaning and maintenance operations.

Technical support for designers

We offer expert assistance to clarify technical details, supporting designers at every stage of the project lifecycle to ensure seamless implementation.

Quick access to spare parts

Our efficient logistics system ensures the fast availability of spare parts, minimizing downtime and guaranteeing uninterrupted operation.

Specialized solutions for demanding applications

Our portfolio includes advanced solutions such as separators with sorbents, integrated sampling chambers, and inlet closures specifically designed for industrial wastewater applications.

Proven quality in domestic and international markets

The trust of our customers is evidenced by over 11,000 devices sold in Poland and exports to more than 20 countries worldwide.


Coalescence separators are used in lower flow drainage basins that contain large quantities of pollutants such as petroleum substances and suspended solids 


The ESK Coalescence Separator is specified so that its nominal capacity is greater than the maximum incoming flow rate. 

Coalescence separators are particularly useful in areas such as: 


  • workshops, car washes,
  • petrol stations, transport bases,
  • industrial facilities,
  • medium and small car parks,
  • road bridges and viaducts,
  • railway areas,
  • power stations.

Types of coalescence separators

Coalescence separator with integrated ESK-H settling tank
ESK coalescence separator in combination with OS horizontal settling tank

Additional configuration elements

Sample collection devices 


Installing sample collection devices facilitates the operation of separators and automates this aspect 

Alarm for SMARTSEP separators 


A device for continuous monitoring of plant operation, equipped with sludge layer, oil and overfill sensors, minimises the need for local inspection of facilities and reduces the response time of technical services in case of a malfunction. 

Pre-treatment system
selection calculator

Dimensioning for rainwater and industrial wastewater according to EN 858-2

WaterFolder Platform

A dedicated separator calculator automatically selects a device with the right parameters. It is entirely based on individual data you input into the tool. 


The independent calculation saves time and provides a complete set of materials for the selected unit, including descriptions and drawings 


For more information on the selection of separators, see the video from Dining for Designing webinar. 


Find out how to select pre-treatment systems in a few steps


The plant consists of a body made of prefabricated concrete and/or reinforced concrete elements, technological equipment and an access manhole. The body, consisting of sealed wells with a diameter of Ø1000–3000, can also be made of PEHD.  


Depending on the location of the separator, appropriate classes of cast iron manholes are used. In order to adjust the separator cover position to the ground level, an additional superstructure made of concrete rings matching the diameter of the body is used. As standard, the inlet and outlet are located in the axis of the separator, but can also be offset from the axis of the unit. 

Standard technological equipment for an ESK coalescence separator includes: an inlet, a coalescence column with an element and an installation that cuts off stormwater flow when the permissible oil storage capacity in the device is exceeded. This solution prevents oil-based substances from being washed into the drain. The equipment is made of PEHD and, in the case of the ESK-E and ESK-EH series, stainless steel. 


For separators integrated with a settling tank in one body (ESK-H and ESK-EH), the settling section is located below the coalescing column 


Separators should be fed by gravity flow and, if a pumping station is required, it must be located downstream of the separator. The location of the separator installation should allow access for a sludge truck. 

Operating method

Operating method wideo play

In high-efficiency coalescence separators, the separation of petroleum products occurs due to the gravitational separation of oils and water, further assisted by the phenomenon of coalescence 


The design of the separator ensures the calming of the flow of contaminated waters and simultaneous forcing of the sewage stream to separate into petroleum products (stored in the separator) and water. Lighter petroleum pollutants rise to the surface, where they accumulate, forming a layer. Small droplets of mineral oil, which lack sufficient buoyancy force, combine into larger droplets (coalesce) during flow through the coalescent material, facilitating their gravitational separation. A submerged outlet prevents the separated pollutants from reaching the receiver. 



The operation of coalescence separators is trouble-free, as all operations can be carried out from the ground, without having to go inside the unit.  

Proper operation of the separators includes regular inspections and cleaning, which should be carried out by Ecol-Serwis technical teams or suitably authorised companies. These measures are the responsibility of the owner or manager of the facility, in accordance with the Waste Act of 14 December 2012 and the recommendations of the separator manufacturer. 

Legal requirements and certifications

The cleaning of rainwater and snowmelt from petroleum products is a legal requirement, as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation of 12 July 2019 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1311) regarding substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment and conditions to be met when discharging stormwater and sewage into waters or water facilities

According to sec. 17.1, rainwater and snowmelt may be discharged into waters or facilities if the concentration of oil substances does not exceed 15 mg/dm³. 


According to the regulations, ESK coalescence separators are construction products. They carry the CE mark for compliance with harmonised standard EN 858-1. They are Class I separators: concentration of petroleum substances in the separator effluent < 5 mg/dm³.